Friday, 9 August 2019

Joint statement Cllr Shabir Pandor (Leader) & Cllr Peter McBride (Deputy Leader)

Council staff rarely get credit for the functions they fulfil. This week has seen two major examples of the Council and its staff quickly protecting and serving the public.

On Sunday last, the Food and Drink Festival in St George's Square came to an end. This was a massive success with 145 stalls and huge footfall estimated at 160,000. We congratulate "Huddersfield Live" who organised the event. In the background, Council staff arranged for the necessary safety measures, applied the cleaning undertaken and a general support system was put in place.

Then on Tuesday we learned of the threat to residents regarding the cladding on flats in Manchester Road. Quickly Council emergency measures were put in place to evacuate and provide shelter for residents.
Such services we tend to take for granted only because the relevant staff go about their business quickly and effectively so that we can be assured that they will cover any emergency.