Friday, 9 August 2019

Annual Report 2018-19 Cllr Sheikh Ullah Greenhead

2018/19 has been my third year representing the Greenhead Ward as Councillor. I have continue to support the ward by working closely with community groups, and other third sector organisations. I would personally like to thank all the amazing groups within the ward that are doing some brilliant work supporting communities and individuals in such difficult circumstances.

It has been a very challenging year and I have dealt with a number of individual pieces of casework and enquiries. We have worked hard on issues such as Community Safety, Road and Pavement Repairs, Fly tipping and the removal of rubbish.


Most weekends my ward colleagues and I proactively visit several street and speak to residents about any concerns and issues they may have. This also helps us to keep in touch with what is going on within particular areas. I also pick up a significant amount of individual casework when visiting local groups.


Areas of Focus

As a council we are facing tough financial challenges. The amount of money we receive is decreasing, services are having to become reshaped, this means we need to make changes to what we do and the way we do it.
  • Crime  and Anti-social behaviour - some parts of the ward have seen an increase in crime over the last 12 months. I have worked closely with the Police and Safer Kirklees, speaking to them on a regular basis as well as meeting with the Huddersfield Chief Inspector. I am pleased a 40 week project called "Intensive Engagement" has been launched within the ward. The area that has been identified  is the Birkby/Fartown area of Huddersfield. Intensive engagement is a systematic approach to community engagement that builds organisational capability, releases capacity and invests in skills of front line practitioners. The objective of Intensive Engagement is to build organisational capacity that enhances community safety and welfare through a targeted, lean and highly efficient public agency involvement that maximises the opportunities and capabilities of communities and stakeholders to tackle crime  and deprivation in vulnerable communities.
  • Birkby and Fartown Library - With the recent closure of the library we have worked hard with the community and officers to try and relocate this vital service. We have located a number of possible venues all within walking distance of the old library. A feasibility study is currently underway with regards to scale, design and cost, discussions are ongoing, however I am confident this will take place in the very near future.
  • Fly tipping - fly tipping is always a challenge to tackle, however within the ward we have caught and successfully prosecuted aa number of people through a combination of CCTV  and other evidence from the scene.
  • Community Development - One of my key priorities is to continue supporting local groups ensuring joined up working and skills are shared. We have funded a number of groups  and projects within the ward this includes local parks, Faith Groups, and individual community groups.

Hillhouse Community Fund - we are extremely pleased that Hillhouse, one of the most deprived parts of the ward have some investment to install green measures  and energy efficiency to homes, this has been generated from the feed in tariff of solar panels. We have worked with residents, officers, Housing to ensure each house was surveyed  and presented with a number of options to make their homes warmer.

Democracy - We have delivered democracy sessions within schools to help children with decision making, talk about our role as Councillors, and inform them of what the council do.
Community Clean-Ups - I have taken part in a number of clean ups across the ward. Community groups are doing some wonderful work to keep green spaces tidy, and as councillors we are more than happy to help and advise, we have a great team within Kirklees  that can help groups turn disused areas into beautiful green spaces.

 Council and Committee Meetings
 Annual Council
 Full Council
 Children's Scrutiny
 Huddersfield Planning Committee
 Appeals Panel
 New Homes Bonus Cross Party Working Group
 Labour Group

 Training and Development
 Planning Training - update
 LGA Training - various