would like to thank our residents for their continued support in allowing me to
represent them and I will do my utmost to represent all residents in the Dalton
ward. In the past year, I have particularly enjoyed seeing some fantastic work
being done by our local Volunteer’s, Community groups, Friends of Groups My appreciation and thanks also go to my
fellow ward councillors Mus Khan and Peter McBride for their continued support.
It has
been another interesting and challenging year. I was once again appointed to
Cabinet Leading on Communities & Environment portfolio which includes:
Safer Kirklees, Community Cohesion, Prevent, Migration, Third Sector;
Streetscene & Highways, Parks & Grounds Maintenance , Cleansing &
Waste services, Air Quality and Enforcement.
role of a councillor is very demanding as a result of government policy of
austerity which has imposed cuts on the Council and the resultant impact of
reduced budget on our residents. The impact on our communities is devastating, and
people need more help and support with Universal Credit, PIP Assessment Child
Tax Credits, etc, etc.
always there are many issues of concern for our residents throughout the ward
from Planning to Licensing to bin collections. Cuts have affected households
across Kirklees and will continue to do so as the council is having to
implement cuts amounting to £1 million pounds per week. The Council is no
longer able to operate as it did before and is having to focus on its first
priority of statutory responsibilities.
Mobile Surgeries
The Dalton
team works all year round on issues of community safety, road and pavement
improvements, Community clean up’s and much more. We have worked hard to reduce
crime, removal of litter/ rubbish and fought for more and better accessible
services for families, individuals & groups.
can contact me by phone, post or e-mail in order to ask for help and advice. The
Dalton team is out most Saturday’s in some part of our ward, proactively asking
residents if we can provide any assistance or advice. These mobile surgeries
help us to keeping in touch with issues and events in particular areas and
listen to the concerns of local residents.
council is having to deal with huge reductions in government funding cuts. And is
unable to provide all of the services that it used to and we are encouraging
local groups to work together. This allows us to concentrate on supporting
people and communities to do more for themselves, whilst ensuring early
intervention and prevention of future problems.
Council and Committee Meetings
- Council
- Cabinet
- Cabinet Committee- Local issues
- Chair of Communities Board
- Sub on Huddersfield Planning Committee
- Labour Group
- Huddersfield Partnership
- Suez Board
- Employment & Skills Panel (WYCA)
- Chair of West Yorkshire Sub Regional Group
- Yorkshire & Humber Prevent Network
Training and Development
In addition to receiving regular policy updates at Labour
Group meetings, I have undertaken the following training and development:
- Planning – UPDATE
- Corporate Parenting
- LGA Officer / Member Relationship
- LGA Leadership Essentials: Prevent