Monday, 12 August 2019

Annual Report 2018-19 Cllr James Homewood, Ashbrow

2018/19 has been my third year representing the Ashbrow Ward as Councillor. I have continued to advocate for my Ward and been working closely with community groups, the police and other local organisations.

My main areas of focus have been;

Tackling violent crime – In recent years we have seen a number of incidents relating to violent crime which have generally been linked to gangs and organised crime. Whilst these incidents have been targeted it understandably causes a lot of confirm amongst residents. Along with my colleagues I have ensured that we have reacted to these events by providing as much information as we can to the community and undertaking regular door knocking session to provide assurance and support to the community. Additionally I have continued to work closely with the Police and the Council to ensure that all possible activity is being undertaken to tackle this issue. In response to these issues my ward Colleagues set up a Community Concerns Group at the end of 2018, the idea being to bring together all the key organisations in the area including, Schools, youth groups, social housing providers, council officers and other local organisations. These have proved a successful way of bringing people together to collaborate on community actions that can be taken. Over the next 12 months we plan to continue with this approach.

Case Work – A significant proportion of my time is spent on dealing with individual pieces of casework raised to me by residents. The areas these have covered over the last 12 months include; Fly-tipping, bin collection, road safety, parking, pot-holes, housing, planning applications and overgrown vegetation. I have completed case work activity as quickly as possible and strive to get solutions to resident issues wherever possible.

Community Development – I have supported local groups and organisations in order to develop the services and opportunities in the ward. Our Councillor Ward budget has been used to support community initiatives, such as the opening of a new community building in Bradley. I’ve continued to work closely with organisations such as Local Services to You and Ashbrow Partnering Together to support the provision of new and continuation of existing services that have been placed at risk by government cuts. All activity is supporting with our attempts to create a local wealth building model in the Ashbrow Ward.

 My other work in this area has included the following;

·         Along with colleagues I have supported a range local groups and initiatives with use of our Ward budget.

·         Along with colleagues I have organised community clean ups with local residents. This has included on the greenway and at Station Road church in Bradley.

·         I have supported and attend local events such as Deighton Carnival and Christmas parties.

Council meetings / Committees

Full Council – I have attended all full council meetings over the year. I have made speeches on a number of motions and key discussion items, representing the interests of my ward and the wider population of Kirklees.

Planning Committee – I have spent a third year as a member of the Huddersfield Planning Committee, I have participated in making planning decisions using the knowledge gained during planning training to make decisions.

Licencing Committee – I have sat on the licensing committee, the main business relating to taxi licensing. I have also taken part in licencing panels to support the determination of premise licences.

Corporate Scrutiny Panel – I been a member of this panel scrutinising decisions made by the corporate divisions of the Council. This has included items in relating to; financial planning, My Kirklees Accounts, Procurement and transformation projects.

Standards Committee – I have been a member of the standards committee and looked at items including the Councils members’ complaints procedure and behaviour policy.

Local Groups

Bradley Forum – I have attended the Bradley Forum on a monthly basis, sharing the responsibility to chair the forum with my fellow councillors. We have had a wide ranging discussion on local issues including; new road development schemes in the area, housing applications, fly tipping, anti-social behaviour (especially nuisance bikes) and Crime. Any issues raised I have taken away as casework to complete and engaged with partner organisations where required.

Ashbrow Ward Forum - I have attended Ashbrow Forum on a bi-monthly basis, sharing the responsibility to chair the forum with my fellow councillors. We have had a wide ranging discussion on local issues including; new road development schemes in the area, housing applications, fly tipping, anti-social behaviour (especially nuisance bikes) and Crime. Any issues raised I have taken away as casework to complete and engaged with partner organisations where required.

Training Completed

·         Planning

·         Licencing

·         Safeguarding

·         Seminar on CSE with Dr Mark Peel