Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Annual Report 2017-2018: Cllr Musarrat Khan

Kirklees has lost 197 million pounds since 2010 and this year alone saw cuts of 54 million with further cuts of 26m planned for the coming year. However, despite devastating cuts to Council Services, I feel there has been some green shoots of hope this year as services are transformed and the relationship between the Council and residents evolves.  I am proud and honoured to represent such a dynamic and progressive ward.

This year, the ward has been strengthened through community partnerships and collaborative working. It is fantastic to see more residents getting involved in their community and new groups such as Support the Creators forming. This has been possible through a few mediums. I have talked to people on the door step, encouraging people to work with us to resolve difficulties and to find solutions. The contact between residents and councillors has increased via the Dalton social media group which allows for better communication, understanding of issues and strengthens collaboration, and sharing of limited opportunities and resources.

Regular ward meetings and subsequent activities leading from the meetings have facilitated partnership work, a shared understanding and sharing of practice and ideas. Community groups have built upon a sense of commonality and community.

I have connected the Ward partners with local businesses such as Cummins and will continue to encourage a stronger link with our local secondary school and the Community. Syngenta’s continual commitment and support has been an invaluable resource. 

The use of social media has allowed me to better connect to residents and groups. I have shared information with residents with regards to employment, apprenticeships, training and health & wellbeing and use the forum to consult residents. Many residents have fed back that they have found this to be a useful resource. Residents continue to use the Community Group Forum for the ward and are beginning to use the more recent Dalton Labour Ward online page I created.  I am hoping to further enhance this work with the use of other mediums. My colleagues and I have produced and distributed regular leaflets throughout the year.

My colleagues and I have used the diminishing funds in our ward budget to prioritise people over things. We have supported a number of residents and groups to provide services such as youth provision, school holiday play schemes, lunch clubs and festive activities in the Ward. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who made invaluable contributions by supporting Yetton Together, Children of Dalton, Keep It Real, Dry Stone Walling Project & HD1 Play Schemes.

Away Day at Northern College, Barnsley.  Some will know it as Wentworth Castle.  The purpose of the visit was to get to know other groups operating in the Dalton Ward, share ideas and experiences and look at the priorities for our Ward. This was the beginning of shaping our Ward Plan.
It was lovely to connect different people from different parts of the ward and build on commonalities.

The development of the Ward Plan and the strategic ward group continues alongside local businesses, the third sector, the council and residents as key partners.

 Again as in previous years I have helped and supported residents with a range of issues from domestic violence, disabilities related issues, school admissions, welfare issues, fly tipping, dog fouling, housing, anti-social behaviour, road safety and environment/streets related issues.

I was deeply saddened to be approached by residents from across Kirklees in relation to the Windrush travesty. The stories I heard of people losing their jobs because they couldn’t get a passport and the fear of deportation after decades of residency, are devastating. I have highlighted this issue in the local press and attended local meetings. Some of our residents now have citizenship and some are still in the process.  I urge anyone effected to contact me urgently.

I would like to commend Kirkheaton Primary school for supporting children to write to me, highlighting the environmental impact of plastics. I read each letter with great interest. I have kept in close contact with the Police following gang related crime in parts of the ward. I have represented resident’s views at planning hearings in relation to HD1. I have met with the Managing director of the stadium to discuss residents’ concerns.

Below is a few snapshots and highlights of the Year

Register to Vote Campaign in Moldgreen

"Lost Legacy" Muslim Roots in the British Army Exhibition Launch
NHS campaign on the 70 years anniversary of the Health Service

 Above left: Supporting our residents and community groups at the Examiner Community Awards
Above right: Community Christmas event supported by Syngenta.

The challenges and opportunities for the coming year

Crime and mitigating against diminishing Council services continue to be a priority for the area. We will continue to work closely with the Police and safer Communities as well as to build the capacity of the community to become more resilient.

Dog fouling, littering and fly-tipping are continuing to present as issues that are important to local residents. I will build upon initial site visits with officers to tackle these problems that blight our neighborhoods and continue to work with residents to address these issues. My colleagues and I are hoping to revitalise the Ward plan in collaboration with residents, groups and the Council. We are looking forward to a planned away weekend at Northern College with Community Groups and Council Officers to discuss what is needed and how we achieve our goals. I would like to thank Northern College in advance for hosting and facilitating our ward work.

The maintenance of our Highways continues to be a challenge in the context of increasing year upon year cuts. My colleagues and will continue to lobby the Council for essential repairs and bring resources to the ward wherever we can. This coming year I am hoping to work more closely with the local schools to deliver on the work of the Democracy Commission. I enjoy talking to young people and was delighted to attend the Young Employees Network Democracy workshop.

Portfolio Achievements

I have been responsible for the Highways portfolio for two years and will now start a new challenge as the lead for Public Health. Below is a few portfolio achievements for this year:
  • The biggest challenge within my portfolio is ensuring roads are safe and well maintained, as well as compliance with Government guidelines in terms of road maintenance. We were successful in achieving a level 3 with our Highways Asset Management Strategy. This mitigated against a further loss of funding from the Government’s Incentive Fund and reputational damage. In practice this means that decreasing resources are directed to the maintenance of principle A, B, and C roads and not to residential streets. Under this regime a Council loses its ability to respond to residents requests to fix streets in total disrepair. The backlog of repairs for residential streets in increasing.
  • A programme of small schemes to improve highways drainage was delivered to reduce the risk of future flooding on some of our busiest roads in our district. Much of the infrastructure is over 100 years old so this assisted in reducing the backlog of surface water highway drainage.
  • Five Kirklees parks were awarded green flags making, recognising them as some of the best in the country. The prestigious awards have once again been awarded to Greenhead Park and Beaumont Park in Huddersfield, Crow Nest Park in Dewsbury, Oakwell Hall Country Park in Birstall and Wilton Park in Batley. This international award, now into its third decade, is a sign to the public that the space boasts the highest possible environmental standards, is beautifully maintained and has excellent visitor facilities. These flags are a recognition of the hard work of the parks staff, and also our relationship with volunteers and friends groups.
  • Our Greenspace Service won a guild award at the prestigious Harrogate flower show. The ‘Mills to moors’ titled design showcased the district, and what makes its landscape wonderful and unique. The design and display was completed by apprentices, volunteers and in-house staff. We reviewed our Play strategy in line with current up-to-date thinking in terms of child development.
  • I presented a motion to full council, calling upon the Environment Secretary to urgently take further action to fix the dangerous growing problem of air pollution in our towns and cities and urged the UK Government to produce a national clean air act which demonstrates the government taking responsibility as well as local authorities.  
  • Kirklees currently have approximately 20,000 street lights that have been converted to LED. Kirklees has also approved funding of £12.5m to upgrade the remaining street lighting stock (approx. 32,000 units) to LED over the next 5 years. We estimate that by the end of the project we will have reduced our electricity consumption by over 50%, however the cost of electricity continues to rise so the financial savings will not be at the same level. There will be additional maintenance savings as a result of using LED’s and these savings along with the electricity cost savings will fund the cost of the capital borrowing.
  • Kirklees Council have installed Smart traffic lights at the busier junctions across the district to improve vehicle flows and reduce congestion where possible, which in turn reduces emissions
  • Further to this Kirklees Council are working with a 3rd party company to rationalise this traffic management system to improve air quality further by running a pilot which uses modelled air pollution emissions to dictate traffic light changes. The pilot for this scheme is along the A62 Leeds Road.
  • West Yorkshire has been awarded funding from central government to encourage low emission taxis. Kirklees along with the other 4 West Yorkshire Authorities are looking to install a strategic electric vehicle (EV) taxi charging network across the district, along with funding for the private hire sector.Kirklees are working with the West Yorkshire Authorities and the combined authority to create a public electric vehicle charging network.
  • Kirklees Council has the Green Parking Season Ticket, which allows Ultra Low Emission Vehicles to Park within Council car parks for free. Working with DEFRA to improve the understanding of West Yorkshire Air Quality issues by installing a National AQ monitor within Kirklees. We are continuing to integrate the West Yorkshire Low Emission Strategy into Kirklees Council policy & operations and also working with partnership agencies to include relevant elements of the WYLES into their operations.


Local Community Group and Organisations
  • Dalton Ward meetings
  • HD1 meetings
  • Dalton LIC meetings

Council Meetings and Committees
  • Full Council Meetings
  • Cabinet meetings
  • Fortnightly Cabinet briefing meetings
  • Cabinet Local Issues
  • Weekly Leadership Management meetings
  • Fortnightly Labour Group Meetings

Outside Bodies
  • Sub for Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London Adjudication Joint Committee
  • Kirklees Community Association

Training or learning I have undertaken
  • Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent