Wednesday, 28 February 2018



Kirklees folk turn to the council for many things, some we have a statutory duty to do, such as Social Care, some things we have no power to do, others we can choose if we wish to be involved. In doing things we over the years have acquired buildings, some that we use and others that we don’t, some are Historic building some listed and some not.

The budget we have to maintain the buildings we own is less than 10% of what we need for basic maintenance, yet some iconic buildings can present us with bills into the millions, such as Dewsbury Town Hall and Huddersfield Railway Station. If buildings are listed, the cost of repairs can go through the roof as we are restricted to what we can do, for example we had to replace lead with lead on Huddersfield station, and costing in the region of £300,000 (I was informed).

So faced with not being able to maintain the buildings we do own, we simply do not have the money to acquire buildings that we have no use for that could put us at risk of escalating costs.


The following is an example of things that appear on Social Media

 I don’t know the building, but assume it is in Batley, I agree with complainant that it is a shame to loose such buildings, but to be absolutely blunt, the council does not have the funds to step in.


The following from Google sets the picture;

Whitcliffe Foundation Building

21 May 2015 - The Whitcliffe Mount Foundation building was built just over 100 years ago. It is an imposing building of Yorkshire stone and the Spen Valley Civic Society applied to the Government for it to be listed. The Government Inspector however decided that it wasn't of sufficient national value for it to be listed.

The Council has never owned the building, has no use for the building, no wish to own the building or has no wish to open itself to risk by becoming involved in the building. As Kath Pinnock points out, the civic Society tried to get the building listed and failed. This is a case where the threat to the building has been known for a long time and where potential saviours of the building manifest themselves (not their fault) at the eleventh hour. The contract to demolish the building does not involve the council.



Another attractive building that finds itself with no user that again has gone through the processes. The Council offered the building to any group that could come forward to take it over, the then MP said he would find a group. No one came forward. Another building that is not Listed.


Historic England is the QUANGO set up by the government to decide which buildings should be offered protection and which should not.

Chaired by Old Etonian, Investment Banker, Sir Laurie Magnus, who has a controlling interest in Magnus White Property Development Limited, but gets £40,000 a year for two days a week at Historic England, the board is collection of Government appointees including Historians, Architects and Bankers.

They obviously can’t react positively to every request and some of their decisions are difficult to understand. But it is clear, their job is not to step in to save every building anyone takes a shine to, that if protection is to be effective it needs to be selective. Listing can blight buildings, and can put great financial pressure on to building owners.