Thursday 10 August 2017

Annual Report 2016-2017: Cllr Shabir Pandor

In my last year’s Annual Report I mentioned my experience and visit to Bosnia and Hertzgovina and the lessons we continue to learn from Remembering Srebrenica.

One of the pledges I made was to develop and pass a cross Party motion on Remembering Srebrenica.

Together with the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Greens and Independents we managed to unanimously agreed a cross party motion on Remembering Srebrenica and I would like to thank all members of the council who fully supported this motion being approved at full council.

I was delighted to represent the council along with the Mayor Cllr Christine Iredale who hosted a Civic Event at Dewsbury Town Hall

The theme for this year was Gender and Genocide and the Mayor did the council proud by leading this first ever Civic Event in Kirklees.

The last year was a challenging year for me and despite being a councillor since 2002. I learnt so much about myself and the important role every single councillor on Kirklees Council fulfils.

In my role as Deputy Leader of the council I have developed and continue to develop a deeper understanding on the role of local democracy and the role all councillors play within our local democracy. All Councillors try and make a real difference to people’s lives and contribute within the Council, the various committees and functions the council carries out.

I have been involved with numerous committees, joint working groups, regional and national bodies.

Throughout the year I have attended Full Council meetings, Cabinet, Personnel Committee, Standards Committee, District Committee, Health and Wellbeing Board, Batley Advisory Board, Labour Group, Branch and Constituency Meetings. 

I am also appointed and have attended outside bodies and committees such as, Kirklees Community Safety Partnership Executive (Safer, Stronger Communities), Local Government Association, Special Interest Group of Metropolitan Authorities (SIGOMA), and West Yorkshire Joint Services Committee

Activity and Ward Work

Batley and Spen District Committee
This year was the last year of Batley and Spen District committee. The committee is made up of all the wards within the Batley and Spen Constituency. This committee has enabled 18 councillors to work on a cross party and in collaboration with each other for the benefit of all the citizens of the area. Many projects were supported and grants given to enable events like the Cleckheaton Folk Festival and Batley Vintage Day to go ahead and celebrate the diversity of the district. 

2017 Manchester Arena bombing
In my role as the Deputy Leader I joined in the vigil outside Dewsbury Town Hall with the Mayor Of Kirklees Cllr Christine Iredale and faith and community Leaders to condemn the attacks and show our solidarity with Manchester and our commitment to peace.

Resolving Ward Issues
I consider ward work to be the bread and butter of being a local councillor where communities and individuals reply on their councillors to respond to their concerns and feedback outcomes based on actions. Each case is unique and very different and every single constituent are unique individuals and their issue / problem is very real to them. This is why I take ward work very seriously and take the time and effort to make respond and visit to every single case where time allows. Rather than go on and on the following pictures will tell a thousand words on the kind of issues we, as councillors have to deal with.

Overgrown vegetation: Before and after

Working With the Voluntary Sector
Referrals to Milen Day Care continue as we see a growing elderly population and the services they offer are being diversified. MDC are also pioneering new ways to deliver their services through working in partnership with other organisations such as Locala.

Downs and Special Friends
The Downs and Special Friends group have been doing some fantastic work locally to make the lives of young children who suffer from disabilities better.

The group has been set up by parents to provide support, guidance, and run activities, meet-ups for children, siblings and parents of Down’s syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Cystic Fibrosis and other life limiting diagnosed or undiagnosed disabilities.

I have attended and supported their events where I can and I always come away being emotionally charged and inspired when I see some of the brilliant activities and events they put on for the children and their parents.

I have continued to work with the many wonderful and hardworking organisations in Batley. These include:

-       Local schools/children’s centres
-       Community Centres (PKWA, IMWS)
-       Churches and Mosques
-       Neighbourhood Watch groups
-       Mount CC and Batley CC
-       Community Organisations
-    Local Charities working globally


Working outside Kirklees
An important part of my role is representing and working outside Kirklees Council with a view to development our own expertise, sharing what we do in Kirklees, learning from other organisations, influencing with a view to bringing inward investment into Kirklees, lobbying National Government through Cross Party working through organisations such as the LGA, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), and Key Cities.

Training and Development

Kirklees Labour Group and The Council are committed to continuous personal and professional development of all its councillors and staff.

The Labour Group has embarked on development programme to enable councillors to become more effective and involved. A number of training and development sessions have taken place facilitated by the Local Government Association (LGA).
The council has also carried out a programme of development for all its elected members with the help of the LGA under the New Councillor Programme.  

The training and development sessions I have attended include: 

·         How Council Meetings Work
·         Councillors and the Third Sector
·         Promoting Tolerance and Inclusion
·         An Introduction to Kompass
·         Communication for you and your Community
·         LGA Personal Resilience
·         An Introduction to the Observatory
·         LGA Councillor/Officer Relationships
·         LGA Information and Intelligence
·         Planning Update Training
·         Licensing Update Training
·         Dementia

Ward Surgeries

The Batley West councillors agreed that we will have surgeries at the request of our constituents where they can phone us directly and arrange a home visit. We did this as we have found this is far more effective. Our contact details can be found on

Finally I would like to thank my fellow ward councillors Gwen Lowe and Marielle O’Neill for being brilliant ward colleagues and Tracy Brabin MP for Batley and Spen whom I have worked with since her election, my Labour Party comrades, to all councillors who represent the diverse communities of the borough of Kirklees and to all the Councils Staff who are doing an excellent job in difficult times.