Thursday, 26 May 2016

Kirklees Labour Leader - Cllr Shabir Pandor - Speech to Council

Mr Mayor, firstly can I extend my congratulations to you on being elected the Mayor of Kirklees for the next municipal year and also to Christine Iredale in being elected as the Deputy Mayor

I also want to pay tribute to the strong leadership we have had from Dave Sheard over the past couple of years.

I want to build on those foundations. I am hugely ambitious for our borough and despite the massive cuts I remain confident that we will do the best for all our citizens in Kirklees.

I don’t believe we can do what we want by remaining what we are. We have to look beyond what we have traditionally seen public services to be and how they have been delivered. This will not be easy but one thing we can all be certain of is change. Change will happen. Change is inevitable and I want to be part of leading that change.

We must work to become a borough where everybody can achieve their potential. That means greater inward investment and regeneration, more highly paid jobs, and high quality support for families and children. This is challenging but without challenge there is no change.

Our growing elderly population will bring new challenges. This means we will need to reform and embrace the transformation of social care to keep older people healthy and active in their own communities for longer.

Part of achieving my ambition will be to ensure we use all the talents at our disposal within the council and outside the council. We need to seek out skills and talent and nurture new talent that will put Kirklees on the map for the right reasons. We have in our communities talent that can shape the future. Such as the teenager who taught himself to code on YouTube earning £30,000 from his tech business to pay for a place at Oxbridge and he hasn't even done his GCSEs yet.

Negotiations continue with Government in pursuit of devolving more power to regions. I want our region and our council to benefit from devolution.

We should all take pride in doing our bit for the 4 Million refugees displaced by the war in Syria.. Whilst it is important that we play our part in resettlement I will continue to work with neighbouring authorities to lobby Government to ensure that the full costs and impacts are recognised and will work with our MPs.

Mr Mayor & Councillors….If you want something you’ve never had then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done. I’m stepping forward and I ask you to step forward with me. If we don’t we will always be in the same place. If you came here with your mind made up then the first step to change is to change your mind. I’ve taken one step and I would ask you all to raise one hand in support for change.