In a statement, Clayton Fields Action Group says: “The decision was heart-breaking for the local population. Over the years, this beautiful section of land has been a haven for people from the densely populated surrounding areas of Birkby and Edgerton.
“A tragically rare green space, it is one of the very few accessible and safe areas in which children and families can come together to enjoy their leisure.
“We are only now just realising how much of an impact changes we make to the land have on our immediate situation. For example, every tiny additional piece of ground that is concreted over adds to the weight of the flooding issue. Clayton Fields Village Green will be sorely missed and the simple fact is that it cannot be replaced. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.
“There is very strong feeling amongst the people of the locality that Kirklees Council should object to any development in this conservation area. At the very least, it must insist that a large section of this land be preserved as a wild parkland. Clayton Fields Action Group, and very large numbers of local people, stand ready to assist the council with the vital preservation of this area in any way they can.”
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