Monday, 10 February 2014

Cllr Eric Firth: Annual Report 2012/13

I have once again taken a full part in Council meetings and haven't missed one. I also attend many meetings, briefings and training courses to keep up to speed to better represent my constituents and the Authority.

This year has been a difficult year for all, but in particular Kirklees Council and the people it serves and of course the services it provides. The pressures we face will emerge this year and I am afraid there will be radical changes in the services that we as a council provide.

I give you my pledge that I will continue to serve the people of Dewsbury East and of Kirklees Council to the best of my ability and to attempt to mitigate the impact of all the changes that will come in the forthcoming year.

To view my full annual report for 2012/13, follow this link.