Thursday 5 December 2013

Planning Issues in Denby Dale: Piggeries and Pilling Lane

Cllr Graham Turner, Labour
Planning issues are currently a major issue in the Denby Dale ward. We have had a new application submitted for 31 houses on a provisional open land site in the village of Denby Dale, on land just behind the new retirement home that is being built.

Details of this new assault on our green spaces is available as usual on the Kirklees Planning web site.

Our local MP is to hold a public meeting on the evening of the 6th of December at St. Agustines  Church  at 7pm to discuss the planning application for the land off Station Road, known locally as the Piggeries and the proposed development off Pilling Lane in Scissett.

A public appeal against the refusal of planning permission for the Piggeries site is to be held at Dewsbury Minster on the 10th of December and is scheduled for two days.

Redrow, who are looking to develop the Pilling Lane site have resubmitted their planning application for this site, and it is hoped that this new application will be heard at the Heavy Woollen Planning Committee on the 19th of December 2013.

Redrow have also appealed against the original decision not to grant them planning permission for the Pilling Lane site.

Clearly it will depend on the decision of the planning committee on the 19th as to whether the appeal against the original decision to refuse planning permission will be needed. If the appeal does go ahead then it is planned for January 2014.