Tuesday 3 December 2013

Local Development Framework - Eric Pickles's Mess!

(Picture via the Morley Observer)
There is only one person responsible for the mess we are now in – Eric (I hate the North) Pickles.

Not Grant Shapps, who said before the election “If elected we will scrap LDF”. Not even the Under Minister who had secret meetings with KKAN (the not in anyone’s back yard pressure group), who told them you build as few houses as you want. And defiantly not Simon Reevell, who said “there will be no Local Development Framework” after all he is a lawyer so his concept of reality is different to ordinary people.
No, the fault is well and truly nestled in the ample body of Eric Pickles.

Eric said, soon after the election that he would scrap the targets for house building set in the RSS. Kirklees Council (all groups in agreement) took the decision to delay the submission of their plan until after the abolition of the targets, to allow for a smaller number of houses. Unfortunately Eric took over 2 years to fulfil his pledge to abolish the targets. In the meantime, with later consequences, he introduced a “Duty to Consult”. This was very late in the process.
So when Eric eventually got round to abolishing the targets, Kirklees submitted their plan. This was against the officers’ advice that there was a high risk that the Inspector would say there were not enough houses, and even with that warning the Conservative Group wanted an even lower target.

Also in the meantime, Eric changed the rules of how councils were funded; the only way that Councils could raise income to pay for its services, was to build more houses. True to form houses built in the South paid them twice as much money than houses built in the North.
Now we come to “Eric’s Inspector”. He, as our Officers predicted, decided we did not have enough houses in our plan. Rather than saying this clearly, obviously not wishing to expose his master’s duplicity, he tried to hide his views with nonsensical arguments around the “Duty to Consult”. What he is saying is that the fact that we moved away from the Targets, unlike other West Yorkshire Authorities, is evidence that we did not consult. Remember we did exactly the same consultation as Leeds, who has been deemed to have consulted properly. This is ignoring the fact that when we allegedly, did not consult, there was no duty to consult.

So now that we have no plan (the one that the Conservatives were going to abolish),local Conservative MPs  have a private meeting with Eric, to cobble together a statement that makes it look like they want to build less houses, to try to pin the blame on Kirklees for the mess engineered by Eric and Eric alone.
We should be asking him to come clean and tell us how many houses he wants us to build, rather than pose with objectors for Conservative leaflets and, rather than have secret meetings, he should spell out publicly what target he is setting us.