Thursday 12 December 2013

National Planning Framework: We have no choice...

"Since the new national planning framework came into force last year, the 10 largest “unplanned” housing developments that councils across the country have refused have all been overturned on appeal, leaving councils to pick up the very substantial costs and potentially losing Government bonus grant.

“The Secretary of State and planning inspectors have allowed development on green field sites even when this is in an area of outstanding natural beauty, so even these cannot prevent the approval of new housing developments.

“At a time when we must find £22 million of cuts by 2016 due the deepest cuts in local government grant in 70 years, we cannot risk public funds in such a way. It would be akin to a gambler putting all their life savings on a three legged donkey in a very long field of thoroughbreds  – the chance of success is virtually zero, the costs very high.

“We have no choice but carry out the instruction of government or face a very big legal bill. If people don’t like this they should take this up with their MP and the Government, not the Council.”

No, not Kirklees, Telford Council. It appears that the Fat Controller is sticking his snout in everywhere!

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