This has been my third year representing Batley East ward
and I would like thank Batley East residents and my fellow ward colleagues Cllr
Mahmood Akhtar and Cllr Habiban Zaman for their continued support.
As a council we are facing some tough financial
challenges, this has meant we have had to reshape services due to the cut back,
which has impacted a lot on residents in my ward. Casework has also increased
because of the challenges faced by the council. The type of casework I receive has
varied from fly tipping, potholes, antisocial behaviour, bin collections,
street scene, to housing, highways, school matters and much more in-between. I
continue to hold static and mobile surgeries. I also hold regular skype
surgeries and receive a considerable amount of case work from various digital
Along with my ward colleagues, we have held public meetings
and various other engagement sessions with volunteering groups and individuals
in the community on changes to services or public concerns. I am visible and
easily contactable in the ward and it has been a privileged to be involved in
many of local groups, as they grow from strength to strength.
Full Council,
Health and Adult Social Care scrutiny,
Cooperate parenting
National association of British Market Authority,
West Yorkshire Pensions Board,
Heavy Woollen Planning Committee.
I have undertaken safeguarding training, planning and
licencing training and kept on top of any changes that was required to fulfil
my role as a Cllr.