Friday, 11 October 2019

Annual Report 2018-19 Cllr Carole Pattison, Greenhead Ward

This was my fourth year as a Councillor representing Greenhead Ward and I work full time as a councillor alongside my colleagues Councillors Sokhal and Ullah.  With them I have spent almost every weekend out in the ward knocking on doors, offering help and getting to know the issues that face people on a daily basis. We work very hard as a team together.  It has been a busy year and our ward work kept us very busy. 

I’m pleased to say that I was re-elected as a ward councillor this year in May and I look forward to continue to represent the ward and its residents.  I am also pleased to say that I have now been appointed to the Cabinet of the Council with a portfolio responsibility for Learning, Aspiration and Communities.
We have continued to work with local groups in the community, as well as individual residents, and our multi-agency or partnership group, which I Chaired during the last year, has gone from strength to strength.  Some good ideas have come out of the group, ways in which we can improve services locally, and these have begun to bear fruit having attracted small amounts of funding to kick start them.  One such idea was support to small voluntary groups to help them manage in this digital age, helping them to set up web sites or Facebook pages, hosting web sites and providing some training so that in future groups have the skills themselves to develop their digital offer. We continue to support Friends of Greenhead Park, Friends of Norman Park, Friends of TP Woods, Birkby Community Garden, Marsh Forum, we continue to work alongside the Mosques and Churches in the area and in particular we have contributed to the work that Holy Trinity is doing to establish more community facilities for residents.  We have supported Paddock Village Hall Trust, attending many of their local events that they hold not only in Paddock but also in Birkby and Fartown.
We have also been working with the Hillhouse Group. A project was established some years ago to provide solar energy and other carbon neutral facilities in this area, one of the poorest in Kirklees. We are hoping that following further discussions with the community we will see some real progress on this project this year which will benefit all residents in the area.

Through the ward partnership group we meet with and are working the two school hubs and the council’s Community Plus service to ensure that services for those most in need are co-ordinated and provided where ther are most needed with in the ward.. 

The Ward Partnership Group encompasses all these groups above and by working closely with the community we hope to make sure that we are able to either help groups with some funding or point them in the direction of funding as appropriate to ensure that the important work that happens in the community continues to do so despite the ongoing constraints that there are on the councils budget.   

After many years of cuts in local services, and some more cuts to come in future years to services, we are reviewing what has worked well and what has not worked so well and trying to put back some of the services that may have been lost but which have resulted in unnecessary hardship or led to greater problems.  For instance we have lost the youth service as we knew it and possibly as a result we have seen an increase in youth violence and anti-social behaviour.  We are working hard with officers and the police to try to right this and ensure our youth are protected from gang violence and have something positive to contribute to in the community. 

The council is also putting more emphasis on “place” issues or the environment that we live in and placing councillors at the heart of that programme.  This has already meant that we have seen some improvements in the environment that we live in from the resurfacing of Luck Lane to smaller improvements such as white lines and bollards to prevent cars from parking in inappropriate and inconsiderate places.  We hope to tackle this coming year the big problem of parking that we have in our area too.  As a council we have declared a climate emergency and we will do what we can in the ward to contribute to reducing emissions and reversing the emergency. 


We work as a team and hold mobile surgeries visiting a few streets each weekend as well as making a few individual calls to people that have contacted us during the week by telephone, post or e-mail to ask for help and advice.  Most Saturday’s my ward colleagues and I proactively visit several streets to ask residents if we can provide any advice or assistance. This also helps us to keep in touch with what is going on in particular areas and listen to the feelings of local residents. I also pick up a significant amount of ward work when visiting local groups.  

Local Community Group and Organisations
I have attended the meetings of the following groups when invited and when able:

·                  Friends of Greenhead Park

·                  Friends of Norman Park

·                  Marsh Community Forum

·                  Paddock Village Hall Trust

·                  Trinity And Greenhead TRA

·                  Hillhouse Community Group  

Council Meetings and Committees
I have had a very high attendance level (almost 100%) at:

·                  Full Council Meetings

·                  Strategic Planning Committee

·                  Licensing and Safety Committee

·                  Joint Overview and Scrutiny Health Committee

·                  Corporate Governance and Audit Committee

·                  And I also sat of Licensing and Appeals Panels 

I was Chair of the Licensing and Safety Committee and also Chair of the Labour Group of Councillors. 

Outside Bodies
I also represented the council on quite a few outside bodies such as

·                  Kirklees Theatre Trust
·                  Kirklees Music School, now called Musica

·                  Kirklees Community Association

·                  Kirklees Schools Services

I am also active in the community as an individual and I have been a governor of Royds Hall Community School, Vice Chair of Fusion Housing and involved with Discover Huddersfield and Huddersfield Creative Arts Network.
Training or learning I have undertaken

I have also undertaken most if not all modules of the New Council training provided for us. 

I also attended Planning and Licensing training which is required for members of those committees. 

I have attended training sessions provided by the Labour Group on Budgets and Finance and the New Council. 

I have taken part in an officer/member shadowing opportunity which gives both parties a chance to learn about one another roles and how this can benefit mutual relationships.