Monday, 16 September 2019

Annual Report 2017-18 Cllr Gulfam Asif, Greenhead

Annual Report 2017-18 Cllr Gulfam Asif, Dewsbury South

 It’s an honour and a privilege to represent Dewsbury South which is culturally and linguistically one of the most diverse Communities in Kirklees

 One off the most interesting part as a councillor is dealing with the constituents. Be it simply giving advice or resolving issues. This year I’ve been involved in implementing Green projects and finding ways of dealing with the litter problems we all face across the council. We have had several clean up campaigns across the ward. My ward colleagues and I along with residents have been litter picking and removing bulky items.

I have been liaising with the police on anti-social and crime, as well as our community safety officers within the council. We have managed to implement and address key hotspots which now have regular police presence.

Dentaid. This is funded through our ward budget which was needed for residents who can’t afford to pay or have a dentist. By supporting this project, I can ensure that the most vulnerable people in our communities can access support to relieve pain and prevent future problems occurring. We hope to continue funding this projects for the coming year.

 Number of public meetings around Riverside Development have taken place. These concerns have been raised along with finding solutions to improving the area in the coming years.

 We are hoping to implement some interesting projects in the coming year around environmental and health & Wellbeing.

Council Committees & Outside Bodies: 

·         Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee

·         Lead Member for Corporate Scrutiny

·         Full Council

·                 Walker & Greenwood Educational Charity

·                 Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation

Ward Cases dealt with:

·         Anti-Social Behaviour  

·         Traffic

·         Fly Tipping street cleansing

·         Planning issues

·         Licensing

·         Housing related issues including KNH

 When dealing with constituents, the issues are extensive which practically covers every department within the council, including issues outside the scope of the council which we are expected to deal with or give advice. It’s rewarding knowing that I have helped improve the lives off our residents.

Training and Development:

·         Early Intervention and prevention

·         Mental Health

·         Budget Finance