Thursday, 29 August 2019

Annual Report 2018-19 Cllr Habiban Zaman, Batley East

Who have I worked with and what have I achieved this year, on behalf of the Ward and communities I represent?

I am very grateful to the residents of Batley East who have supported me to return to this role with an increased majority.

The last 12 months have been extremely busy meeting groups in the area, understanding their needs and undertaking case work as well as campaigning to get re-elected. The workload is increasing as more residents are needing help with different issues such as housing, benefit sanctions, universal credits as well as planning and licensing issues.
I have been campaigning vigorously for better facilities for the ward's youth who make up half of the population of all the residents who live here. We can help them get away from thinking that the only path available to them is a life of crime and anti-social behaviour.
On a personal level, I have developed many new skills , networks and relationships at a local, regional and national level. I was recently featured in 100 women stories. This book featured women from the North of England who have inspired other women   and are seen as positive role models contributing to the lives of others.

Surgeries and case work

I have received a considerable amount of casework by telephone, post and email, requesting help and advice. Case work has included a range of problems from endorsing passport and driving licence forms, groups threatened with closure, anti-social behaviour, benefit advice, dog fouling, planning concerns, road safety  and signage, school admission appeals, funding issues, bin collections, noise, fly tipping, overgrown trees, pavement and pothole related issues, taxi badge issues, plus a range of council service related issues, families in crisis, such as issues around domestic violence, families suddenly losing income through illness/disability, endorsing, unemployment, bereavement etc.
I have written letters of support   and represented constituents  at Planning Committees. I have also supported and campaigned for traffic calming measures across the ward. I have endeavoured to address all concerns put to me. Many of them have been addressed with a successful outcome.
Along with other colleagues, we have regularly kept in touch with the electorate through locality meetings, street surgeries, door knocking as well as the usual telephone/email communication. We have also held public ward meetings.

As a council we are dealing with the challenges in huge reductions in funding and government cuts. The council is unable to provide the services that it has done traditionally. Much community participation is needed in supporting people and communities to do more for themselves, ensuring that we intervene early enabling healthier communities. As your councillor, I have worked towards promoting social justice , equality and improving community cohesion.

Training and Development
LGA highlighting political leadership

Local Community Groups and Organisations
I am an ambassador for the Moonlight Trust charity and have actively been supporting Batley Food Bank. I have liaised with a number of schools to encourage them to look at fundraising for local initiatives.
I am also an ambassador for Royal Voluntary Service supporting the Dementia Campaign  in Batley to help to reduce loneliness  and isolation in our local communities for older people.
I have supported local school parents groups  and supported positive role models coming into the area.

Constituency Work
Batley Eats ward has benefitted from its councillors working in partnership alongside the community  and the Council has managed to carry out extensive positive work including road repairs and resurfacing. we also supported local individuals and groups through 'it's up to you' funding which secured the existence of many groups with small amounts of money in the ward.
I am always available to my constituents by phone, email or street surgeries including dropping into community events, coffee mornings  and other community gatherings. I travel around my Batley East ward. I log and problems on our systems   which I become aware of before they are reported to me in many cases. Keeping the area clean of the fly tipping is a major struggle but the Batley East councillors and Council officials have worked hard to arrange regular clean ups, enforcement actions and education of the environment issues.

Council Meetings  and Committees

I have attended all full council meetings over the year. I have made speeches on a number of motions and key discussion items, representing the interests of my ward  and the wider population of Kirklees.
I have participated in the following committees over the year
Labour Group
Health and Adult Social Care - Scrutiny Committee
Kirklees Foster Panel
Home Education Schooling Committee

Outside Bodies
Batley Cricket, Athletic  and Football Club (formerly Batley Bulldogs)
West Yorkshire Joint Services Committee
West Yorkshire Joint Services Audit Committee
QED Board Member
Locala Board Member
One Adoption Panel Member

Training or Learning I have undertaken
LGA - Development for Women Councillors
Safeguarding online