Tuesday 30 July 2019

Annual Report 2018-19 Councillor Darren O'Donovan Dewsbury West

The past year has been another challenging but worthwhile and enjoyable one.

Myself and ward colleagues have responded to fly tipping, pot holes, highway safety, school admission, housing, waste collection and benefits issues from all corners of Dewsbury west.

Fly tipping remains a challenge for our ward as a minority of people choose to leave rubbish at the road side rather than use council services for collections.

I've completed an enlightening year working on the children's scrutiny panel where I've been clear with my opinion to give every child the best resources at the right time and to offer emotional well being support to children that need it.

This past year I've also served as Chair of West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Community Safety Committee. It has been particularly rewarding on this to support officers keeping residents of West Yorkshire as safe as possible.

During 2018/19, Dewsbury councillors were able to secure the funds needed for the town centre Christmas lights switch on event which was a huge success. We also developed the primary school study clubs that were proudly started by Dewsbury west councillors back in 2012 and have since expanded across of all of Dewsbury.

During this past year Dewsbury west councillors wrote to carers in our ward to offer our support and recognition of what they do. Carers often have difficult but rewarding rolls for family and friends   and it's right that we do all we can to support them.

Tackling health, housing and education inequalities remains the ultimate challenge of 2019/20. We also continue to speak on behalf of Dewsbury west at Council meetings.

Dewsbury west Councillors remain accessible for all our constituents via surgeries, telephone, email, text and social media.