2017-18 has been another busy year for me as many people have
contacted me about their concerns which I always try to answer fully and honestly.
This year I am
delighted to introduce my new ward colleague, Cllr Richard Murgatroyd.
This last year, after a few hiccups, the Friends of Golcar Library
offered a free term of learning to play the Ukulele with the teacher being
supplied by Musica Kirklees. This year the group’s Events Organiser has
been expanding on non-lending activities and the Ukulele restarts the first
week in September 2018.
We organised a
lovely teddy bear’s sleepover last October.
Teddy bears were
delivered by their owners and collected the following morning, however the resulting photos caught them
climbing all over the library and its equipment and doing very little sleeping!
During the year I have also
- Supported, local groups Cowlersley, Golcar,
Longwood and Golcar as well as the Colne Valley Business Network, and the
Hands Off HRI demonstrations
- Tenants and Residents associations in these
- The Golcar Lily Day committee and their Environment
- I am delighted the Colne
Valley Museum now opens each weekend after its Heritage Lottery funded
renovations. Unfortunately I was on
holiday when the Lord Lieutenant formal re-opening the revitalised
- I am glad residents are
pleased with the new fencing at Bridgecroft.
- I am delighted Milnsbridge’s Market Street parking was extended to allow vehicles park for up to 3 hours at a time and have had confirmation of a small amount of disabled parking being installed when the next Traffic Order is applied for.
One of the biggest challenges I am facing, along with most
other councillors, is working within reduced budgets and with reductions in the
levels of service the authority can provide due to these budget cuts. This has led to cutting back on services and
the need for common sense in making spending decisions rather than the pursuit of
projects based on need not day dreams.
Kirklees Council: what I am
involved in
I regularly
attend Council Meetings and I am actively involved in:
Corporate and Governance Committee (Chair)
Corporate and Governance Committee (Chair)
I am a member of
the Corporate Scrutiny Panel
School Appeals Committee
Colne Valley Area Forum of Kirklees Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations and various Golcar Ward Tenants and Residents Association meetings – all of which are likely to be affected by budget cuts.
I also attend Labour Group meetings and annual training updating and other training.
School Appeals Committee
Colne Valley Area Forum of Kirklees Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations and various Golcar Ward Tenants and Residents Association meetings – all of which are likely to be affected by budget cuts.
I also attend Labour Group meetings and annual training updating and other training.
Participation on Outside Bodies
I am an active member of:
C & K Careers Ltd
Kirklees School of Music, now called Musica
I am an active member of:
C & K Careers Ltd
Kirklees School of Music, now called Musica
West Yorkshire
Pension Fund Advisory Group
Other interests:
Colne Valley Museum
Golcar Together
Golcar Lily Day
MEG (Milnsbridge Enhancement Group)
School governor St John's School in Golcar and Crow Lane School, Milnsbridge.
Colne Valley Museum
Golcar Together
Golcar Lily Day
MEG (Milnsbridge Enhancement Group)
School governor St John's School in Golcar and Crow Lane School, Milnsbridge.
I have also made
several visits to Royds Hall High School which now caters for children of 5-16
years old. I was very
impressed when I was taken round the new school a short while ago to see the
school in action.
How to contact me:
Telephone: 01484 652922
Email: hilary.richards@kirklees.gov.uk
Twitter: @Hilary_Richards
Facebook: Cllr Hilary Richards