Monday, 29 October 2018



West Yorkshire Police have privatised Speed Awareness courses that drivers can take to avid points on their licences.

In doing so they have increased the cost to drivers by 20% as the courses now cost 20% more than when they were done by the local authority.

In addition any profit made from running the courses will now be pocketed by TTC the Southern based firm that was awarded the contract, rather than being spent on road safety projects as previously.

It seems ironic that most of the conservative areas of the country have not privatised the courses. TTC the Telford based company now have 25% of the schemes operated in the UK.

The Police informed Kirklees that their bid was the better quality bid but that TTC beat them on price. This is difficult to understand as the price charged to motorists has increased by 20%. The Police are not supposed to make any profit from the courses and only take the admin costs that must be the same for both bids. The only conclusion that can be reached is that West Yorkshire Police have chosen to give profits to a private company in Telford by charging motorists more, giving a poorer service and cutting Road Safety spending in West Yorkshire.