Ask anyone and they will tell you that fly-tipping is massively increasing, many will also tell you that it is because the council restricted use of the "Household Waste Sites" (note the word "Household). The fact that over 50% of waste fly-tipped is waste that could be put in black or green bin and that only 5% constitutes "banned" waste argue against this perceived wisdom, oft featured as star letters in local rags.
It is an uncomfortable fact that the majority of fly-tipping is done by our friends and neighbours, who on many occasion put more effort into fly-tipping than would be needed to use their bins or visit the household waste site. Last year the changes what we allow in the sites saved the council £327,000. The people who voted for austerity and the conservatives who promote it are as much to blame for the reduction in services as those who forced the changes by abusing the system.