Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Annual Report 2016-2017: Cllr Peter McBride

Attendance Duties and Activities:  Cabinet Member for Transportation Planning Regeneration and Skills

·         Full Council every 6 weeks

·         Cabinet fortnightly       

·         Scrutiny Regeneration Panel 5 meetings Transport Committee

·         West Yorkshire Combined Authority – 6 meetings

·         Investment Committee WYCA- 6 meetings  

·         Planning Committee WYCA- 6 Meetings

·         Huddersfield Area Committee- 5 meetings  

In The Dalton Ward:  

·         Rawthorpe Community Association Meetings

·         Yetton Together Kirkheaton 7meetings,

·         Meetings of HDI Town Ave 4

·         Chaired Dalton Ward Communities 5 meetings

As Cabinet Member: Personal briefing meeting weekly jointly every other week. Leadership Management Team twice weekly. Other meetings Asset Board, Personnel Committee. Substitute for Leader at WYCA Leaders meeting twice

Activities in Council:
My Cabinet post involves regular meetings Of the Combined Authority West Yorkshire as member of a number of committees. It involves decision making with regard to strategic investments across the City Region. WYCA is currently managing a £1billion Growth Fund which is the source of all regional support for Business and Infrastructure. Within Kirklees I am responsible for Strategic Investment and Planning and representing Kirklees Stake in this at Regional level. Members of Cabinet are conjointly responsible for all key decision made by Council other than a few limited solely to full Council eg the budget and Local Plan and here Cabinet proposes to Council.

My particular concerns are development of the Local Plan, The Skills Strategy and Major road and rail planning and funding. Plus town Centre regeneration.

 With regard to the above I can report that we as a Council have retained all essential Services Despite cuts in government funding of £200 million with a proportionate cut in staffing.

With regard to long term   capital expenditure we are almost entirely dependent on government allocation which comes via City Region. In Kirklees its most immediate manifestation will be work starting soon on the A629 part of the £ 175million to be spent in Kirklees in the next 10 years 

Our Local Plan has progressed to the Examination in public stage. Future special priorities re housing, industry, commerce green areas and infrastructure linkages are all in the plan. We expect the prolonged process of approval to be completed within the next year.

Our Skills Strategy is being developed with City Region partners and major providers within Kirklees particularly The College And University .we are proud in the part we have played in ensuring the magnificent new facilities enjoyed by the college in Huddersfield and those almost complete in Dewsbury, meanwhile the University  is adding significantly to its courses and services not least the architectural contribution to the town landscape. The development of the learning village in Dewsbury is having a transformational impact on the town’s economy whilst ensuring that all our communities get the opportunities for development and employment

 At the Local Ward Level we 3 Councillors provide a mobile advice surgery every Saturday morning by knocking on 200 doors to see if people have problems with which we might help. Additionally we publish the Dalton Rose to keep residents aware of Council and ward activities which they might find useful.

A big part of this activity relates to provision and services provided by community groups which we encourage and support. Thus we work along with Yetton in Kirkheaton HD1 at Town Avenue and support Rawthorpe Community Association in their activities. We try to coordinate the work of all groups via the Dalton ward Committee to encourage exchange of views and inter group activities. Thus there is joint raffle and planning a number of joint activities. Dalton Ward now has a community plan, details of what is going on currently and what we hope to put in place. Our groups now include United Reform Church, Greenfield Family Centre, Christ the King at Moldgreen. We also include the activities at the DRAM Centre, we spend a good deal of time trying to revive and activities in the former Children’s Centre to keep its activities alive. The Yetton Group is thriving with an amazing group of volunteers but other groups are struggling to make ends meet and retain services, vital to local communities. Together via the Dalton Ward and the uniquely generous support of Syngenta, all are kept afloat.

I can go on but this hopefully gives a flavour of my activities and priorities this year.