Tuesday, 20 March 2018



If you have not noticed the state of our roads you are probably a Hermit. Despite the fact that year on year Councils are filling more and more holes, they can’t keep up. The National infrastructure is falling apart before our eyes in the name of “Austerity”. Patches on patches does not work yet the money to resurface roads that comes from central government has all but disappeared. In fact for unclassified roads it has disappeared, last year’s allocation was Zero.

We have more pressure on our roads due to our terrain and weather conditions, the Pennines do us no favors in that regard, yet more is spent on Transport in the South East year on year. Kings Cross had more money spent in one year than ten years of funding for the whole of Yorkshire.

Motorists, and Bikers, pay duty on fuel, VAT on fuel, Vat on Duty on fuel, tax on our insurance and Road Tax, none of this finds a way onto our Roads.


Kirklees Potholing update –


Between 1 April 2017 and 13 March 2018 has seen us repair 21,415 potholes which were either reported by the councils safety inspectors, yourselves, members of the public or identified by the teams whilst out working on the roads - but we still have a backlog of 3450 left to repair.


The recent snow and ice has made this situation worse with new potholes at different locations on our roads, and when it is snowing the crews can’t repair the potholes, they are busy gritting and supporting the winter operations.


To address this we are deploying additional resources to catch up.

There will be 12 potholing gangs heading out on Monday, weather permitting, including the 2 MultiHog machines. This is 3 times our normal potholing resource.