In a low down vindictive swipe at the working Poor Theresa's Terrors cut to free school meals that would deprive 6400 children in Kirklees alone of free school meals.
The Commons crunch vote over the changes to the disastrous Universally Hated Universal Credits is a response to the sneaky attempt by Miserable Ministers to push through the changes last week on the nod. Thankfully the underhand dastardly deed did not succeed. The deed is even more dastardly is realising how bad it is Ulster is not included. Families in Ulster need to earn £14,000 a year before they receive their kicking, in the UK it is set to be £7,400 a year.
Unfortunately Tory MP's have not a little bit of human kindness left to enable them to scupper this scruple less scheme.
Thanks to Huffington Post for the details of this plot, unfortunately for some reason the BBC have chosen to ignore it, perhaps the Public Schools that their children attend have also been given special exemption.
Just to point out to Huffington Post though. Kirklees is not a Conservative controlled council.