Saturday, 3 September 2016

the elimination of any doubt

To eliminate any doubt in anyone's mind how anti working class and the poor the previous Government was and the new one is two articles from the Guardian.

We cant have any new Council housing as it creates Labour voters.

Speaking ahead of the publication of his memoirs, Nick Clegg, the former Deputy PM, has suggested that David Cameron and George Osborne refused to build more council houses because it would “create Lab­­­­our voters”. He also accused Mr Osborne of slashing benefits simply to boost Tory popularity. “Focus groups had shown the voters they wanted to appeal to were very anti-welfare,” he says, “and therefore there was almost no limit to those anti-welfare prejudices.”

The Guardian's Dawn Foster examines how, from April next year, tens of thousands of people will be hit by rent hikes around the country, particularly in the south east. The government’s “pay to stay” programme will compel households earning more than £40,000 in London, or £31,000 outside the capital, to pay on average £1,000 extra a year in rent. Guardian analysis indicates that most people hit by pay to stay are earning well under the average salary. "It’s a reverse Robin Hood move that only entrenches poverty among low-paid workers," writes Ms Foster.

The previous chancellor who was rightly sacked thinks building new  Council housing  creates labour voters, does he?

I think that those who don't have a home thanks to him will more likely to be Labour voters.
He put votes over roofs over peoples heads, its a crime against ordinary people, but the only punishment he got was been sacked so he can go off and earn millions in the city, the punishment does not meet the crime.