Monday, 12 September 2016

Annual Report 2015-2016: Cllr Shabir Pandor

I was delighted to have won my election in May 2016 and I feel humbled to serve the people of Batley West and the borough of Kirklees for another 4 years.

I was the election agent for Batley East, Dewsbury West and helped in campaign organisation in other wards within Kirklees.

The year has been varied and very challenging.

Two of my close friends and political comrades are no longer with us.

Peter O’Neill who was a councillor until he stepped down from the council in 2015 sadly passed away whilst on Holiday and more recently Jo Cox, the MP for Batley & Spen was murdered whilst she was going about her public duty in the constituency.

Both of these tragic events shocked many people. Peter and Jo will always have a special place in my heart. They were both very special and extraordinary people.

In my new role as the Deputy Leader of Kirklees Council the future is full of challenges. The shape of the council will be very different and whilst decisions will have to be made that reconfigure and redesign services there are also opportunities that will come through working in partnership with other authorities across West Yorkshire, Private Sector, Voluntary sector and local communities.

Participation in Meetings / events

I had to give my apologies for one Council meeting due to my visit to Bosnia and Herzgovina as part of the Remembering Srebrenica delegation where I saw first hand the atrocities that were committed in 1995. As a result of this the council did its own little bit in ensuring we remember all the genocides that have been committed against humanity.

I have continued attending and taking part in cabinet meetings, Learning Board, School Organisation Advisory Group, Children’s Trust, Batley & Spen District Committee and other meetings of the council whilst remaining an active member of the Children in Care Council.

I have continued to visit school and I have continued to see the fantastic work all our schools do within their communities and the difference they are making in enriching the education experience and developing youngsters.

I stood down as Labour Group Secretary once I was elected the Deputy leader.  As a Labour Party member I continue to be a Panel Interviewer for the Yorkshire & Humber Region.

Ward Work – representing you

Ward work continues to become more and more challenging as the council begins to shrink as a direct result of Government cuts.
  • Issues that I get involved in include:
  • Crime, burglary, speeding cars and other Anti-Social Behaviour issues
  • Highways, pavements, and in the winter months the demand for gritting
  • Fly tipping in built up areas (on one occasion someone around 100s of tubs of margarine was dumped)
  • Planning issues
  • Issues in parks, play areas, trees and vegetation coupled with rat infestation
  • Housing issues  
I continue to attend many events, open days, festivals and community events that have taken place in my ward organised by local community and voluntary groups.  Event such as Batley Vintage day, Batley Festival, Batley Christmas Lights, events at Batley CC and Mount CC, and events at all the community centres, Tenants Associations, Churches, Mosques, Schools, and smaller local community organisations play a massive part in the fabric of our community and adds to the richness and diversity of Kirklees.

Training and Development

As a Cabinet member I continued to go through a programme of developing my skills & Knowledge.

The future……

Last year I wrote in my Annual Report ‘’After a very challenging and unpredictable last 12 months there are more challenges that we will be facing’’. Well its appears these challenges will be here for the foreseeable future as the shape of the public sector continues to transform – some may argue that this is for the better.

Whilst I fully embrace and accept that services need to be continuously reviewed and we must ensure they are fit for purpose. I feel that cutting services that are integral to our citizens in a modern day democracy and society must be protected.

That is why the next 12 months will be critical. Whilst we rightly invest and focus our priorities on Adult Social care, Safeguarding and Children’s Services we also need to plan and become more creative in our approach around services around our natural and built environment, the economy, leisure & recreation and our road and transport infrastructure.

This will require a completely different approach and new creative thinking that considers the longer term impact and benefits that can come to our council.

Once again I wish to say a big thank you and acknowledge my family who have always been there for me.
I’ve enjoyed working with my fellow ward councillors Gwen & Marielle and would like to thank them for their support and look forward to working with them for many years to come.