Monday, 25 July 2016

Changes to Business Rates System.

Yes I know all things to do with rates is boring, and that the subject is ignores (other than complaining about having to pay them) by 99.99% of the population. BUT - things are changing and I thought I would just draw your attention to one particular change, highlighted in red below.

Check, Challenge, Appeal—reforming business rates appeals

DCLG published a summary of the con-sultation responses on 6 July, along with the Government’s response. The docu-ments can be seen at ations/reforming-business-rates-appeals-check-challenge-appeal.

In the press release announcing the pub-lications, the Department said that, "businesses will benefit from a quicker and more efficient service when check-ing and challenging their business rates bills". The new process includes a VOA online service allowing customers to pro-vide information and track progress of their check or challenge.

Aims of the process are to:

weed out speculative appeals

make sure that genuine disputes are settled more quickly

bring added security to councils plan-ning their budgets.

A fee will be payable to lodge an ap-peal and penalties may be imposed for providing false information.

Small businesses will benefit from a fast-tracking system, clear guidance and lower fees.