Thursday, 30 June 2016

Kirklees Council Leadership and Cabinet

At the Full Council meeting of 29 June 2016, Cllr David Sheard was elected Leader of Kirklees Council, and appointed Cllr Shabir Pandor as Deputy Leader.

Together they will take up the challenge of leading the Council through the tough times it faces, and along with their Cabinet, drive forward the corporate plan to get the best out of services with the resources available.

The severe cuts that have been imposed on the Council budgets by Government, means this will be no easy task. The Leadership and Cabinet will together oversee a vast range of work, but work which invites input not just from other Labour councillors, but from leaders and members across all political groups.

These are unprecedented times for Kirklees, times in which we can only achieve positive outcomes by building positive relationships, politically and with our richly diverse communities.

The Cabinet portfolios will be lead by the following councillors:

Cllr David Sheard (Leader) and Cllr Shabir Pandor (Deputy Leader): Strategy and Strategic Resources, New Council and Regional issues.

Cllr Masood Ahmed: Community Cohesion and Schools

Cllr Erin Hill: Family Support & Child Protection
(Statutory Responsibility for Children)

Cllr Viv Kendrick: Adults, Health & Activity to Improve Health
(Statutory Responsibility of Adults & Public Health)

Cllr Musarrat Khan: Highways and Neighbourhoods

Cllr Naheed Mather: Housing and Enforcement Management

Cllr Peter McBride: Economy, Skills, Transportation and Planning

Cllr Graham Turner: Asset Strategy, Resources & Creative Kirklees (Arts)