Wednesday, 24 February 2016

MEP's Ask Minister to take EU help for flooding

Don't deny us EU help for flooding MEPs plea

Despite being told that the EU that they can help the areas damaged by flooding, the government are refusing to ask. So the Yorkshire MEPs have asked the minister to take action. We see nothing from the UKIP MEPs who joined forces with Polish extremists so they could claim more money from the EU.

The letter;

Dear Minister,

Dear Robert, 

EU Solidarity Fund: Support to tackle flooding 

Happy New Year.  We hope you are keeping well, despite the bad start to the year in terms of flooding in our region.  It is about the latter that we are writing and in particular a potential UK government application for the EU Solidarity Fund to help meet some of the costs of repairing damage from the floods in Yorkshire.   

We know that this issue has been raised with the Government and press reports from just after Christmas suggested that the government was "open minded" about applying.  We also understand that Commission officials have indicated that the UK would be eligible and that funds are available.  We would therefore urge you to apply and make best use of the funding available. 

Thank you for looking into this and for keeping us informed of the government´s intentions.


Yours sincerely
Linda McAvan MEP and Richard Corbett MEP