Monday 6 January 2014

Cllr Simon Alvy: Campaigning to protect Dewsbury District Hospital

There have been a few letters in the Spen Guardian asking what Local Councillors have done to protect Dewsbury District Hospital. Local peoples concerns are understandable and I think it is important to let you all know I am actively campaigning, not just as a councillor, but as a member of the local community.

Prior to becoming a councillor in May this year I was already speaking out as part of MP Mike Wood's Save Our NHS group and took to the streets at both save our hospital marches in Dewsbury.

Since becoming a councillor I have lobbied the joint health scrutiny panel on behalf of my worried constituents and a local hospital campaign group, attended Clinical Commissioning Group meetings and questioned the chair Dr Kelly about their plans as well as responding via letter to Simon Reevel's bizarre request in the Huddersfield Examiner for the Dewsbury A&E to be closed.

I have done all this for several reasons; as a rugby player I was always lucky enough to have a high quality local A&E to call upon when injured, more recently we have used the services of a consultancy led maternity ward and having a young family draw comfort from having comprehensive hospital services within easy reach. Being able to use our local hospital means  not only having good local service but also the support of family close by which is so important particularly to children and older people.

During my election campaign many people raised the issue of the future of our hospital on the doorstep and no one I spoke to believed it was safe. This why I have and will continue to campaign to safeguard local services.

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