Wednesday 18 December 2013

Sports in Our Valley: Whitcliffe Mount Sports Centre

Whitcliffe Mount Sports Centre is likely to close in 2016 as a result of a new school building. Labour Councillors in the Spen Valley see this as an opportunity to set out what we see as needed in the Spen Valley. Without looking at any details we would like to see a new sports complex in the middle of the Valley incorporating the swimming pool, running track and all the sports currently at Whitcliffe.

Cllr Simon Alvy, has already highlighted the need to replace the pool and Cllr Steve Hall is heading a working party of all Spen Councillors looking to formulate plans for the future of sport in the valley.

Cllr Steve Hall, commented, "When you look at the sports we have had in Britain over the last 18 months like the Olympic Games, the Rugby League World Cup the paraplegic games and next year the Commonwealth Games, I do think the government should do what it said it would after the Olympics and put more money into sport. Or was this just them getting carried away with the success?"

Related websites and articles:
Whitcliffe Mount Sports Centre
Kirklees Cabinet backs sports centre closure – but Lib Dem leader calls for quick action to find replacement