Monday 23 December 2013

Milnsbridge...A Bridge Too Far

Faces of false promises (image via Huddersfield Examiner)
If you are waiting for your road or footpath to be done up then you need to be aware of the Lib/Dem plan to spend half of the entire budget on building a Bridge in Milnsbridge, Golcar Ward, that the Highway Officers say will not solve any problems anyway. The Highways Capital Budget is set at £11.5m per year for the next three years, a bridge at Golcar would cost at least £6m.

But the Lib/Dems know that the Bridge is unlikely to be built in the near future, and in fact admitted that during the council debate. But there was a by-election in Golcar and promising something that they know they have no intention of delivering is par for the course for the Lib/Dems.

Related Posts:
Golcar by-election 2013