Wednesday 18 December 2013

Kirklees Labour, Cllr Graham Turner: Denby Dale Coffee Morning update

Local Kirklees and Parish Councillor Graham Turner held a drop in coffee morning in Skelmanthorpe Council offices on Saturday the 14th of December.

John Clarkson, the newly selected Labour Party candidate for the Kirklees election in May 2014 attended, along with Paula Sherriff, the Dewsbury constituency candidate for the 2015 General Election.

It was Paula's first time in the village and she clearly enjoyed meeting the many local people who attended.

We discussed a range of issues with those present including the creeping privatisation of the health service, the abject failure of the Conservative and Lib-Dem coalition governments planning policy to protect our green spaces and the high energy bills and the cost of living affecting everyone.

When every one had left Paula and myself and local party activists went door knocking so Paula could get to meet local residents in their homes, which was most appreciated by all those we talked to.

Paula, John and myself will be out and about in the ward on a regular basis once the holiday festivities are over.

John was very pleased to meet so many people and to listen to their concerns, as he prepares to fight the elections next May.

Related Articles:
Cllr Graham Turner, Denby Dale, invites you for coffee!
Denby Dale Labour Party Select Candidate: John Clarkson