Monday 23 December 2013

EU agreement on Tobacco paves way for plain packaging in the UK

The agreement this week between the European Parliament and Government Ministers on Tobacco regulation comes after months of careful compromise and negotiation between MEPS, the European Commission and the 28 member countries. The new law will be a significant step forward in making smoking less attractive to the nearly 14,000 children who are regular smokers here in Yorkshire alone. Flavourings such as strawberry and chocolate as well as lipstick and perfume type boxes will be removed from the market. Packs of less than 20 cigarettes, often described as 'pocket money' packs by health campaigners, will also go. An average pack of cigarettes will now be virtually covered by graphic health warnings, with the door left open for individual governments to go further still. This is good news for all those who want to see the UK follow in Australia's shoes and adopt standardised or 'plain' packaging. Anyone is any doubt about how cigarette packaging influences children on smoking should watch Cancer Research UK's hard hitting advert. The new law will also regulate Electronic-cigarettes which is a growing market. 'E-cigs' give smokers the nicotine they need without the harmful health impact of smoking, however nicotine is highly addictive and toxic in concentrated form, so legislators want better regulation and rules to stop e-cigs becoming a leisure product for young people. There are no proposals to ban e-cigs as some commentators have suggested. MEPs and Ministers are therefore proposing that in future, e-cigs will be regulated like other tobacco  products (below a maximum strength and capsule size with tamper and childproof  E-liquid bottles) or as medicines if, like nicotine patches, they make claims to help people quit smoking. The agreement will need final approval from the European Parliament which I hope will be forthcoming (although the lead Tory MEP is already suggesting he will oppose it.)     

Next year is going to be a busy one with elections round the corner. In the meantime, a very Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2014. Linda 

Here is a round up of Linda McAvan MEP's latest work here in Yorkshire, and in Brussels