Monday, 3 August 2015

Annual Report 2014-2015: Cllr Mahmood Akhtar

Participation at Council Meeting Committees

I have attended all full Council meetings and most Labour Group meetings and this year, I am member of the following Council Committees and Panels:

• Licensing Panel

• District Committee

• Planning Sub - Committee (Heavy Woollen Area)

• YPO Panel

• The Labour Group Substitutes Panel

Participation on Outside Bodies

This year I continue membership of the following outside bodies:

• Soothill Community Forum

• Pakistan Muslim Welfare Society (Batley)

Ward Work

Work within the ward and local area takes up most of my time as Councillor for Batley East and continues to be the most important part of my role. I listen to residents’ concerns and try my best, alongside my ward colleagues to help with their problems.

This year there have been growing concerns in the Soothill area relating to new housing development. I have been actively involved in taking residents views into account in order to represent the opinions of the local community. This year has once again been focused on dealing with immigration matters and providing support/advice to residents on re-housing issues. I have been writing letters in support of immigration applications as well as counter signing documents for residents.

We continue to have a good working relationship with officers from Street Scene and the Batley Policing team to ensure road safety is a priority in our local ward and crime is also kept a low level. Complaints about pot holes/patch up to roads, due to adverse weather, were also addressed.

I continue to help resolve traffic issues and street parking problems, which have caused concerns for residents. Street lighting, overgrown trees/shrubbery and refuse collection have continued to be ward issues affecting local people, which I have been involved in resolving.

We have also continued to show our support for local support groups. My ward colleagues and I try our best to attend local community meetings. I attend ward meetings and also conduct regular home visits in order to address residents’ concerns.

I feel very grateful that I have had the opportunity to help my constituents to the best of my ability and hope to continue to serve my local communities.

Training and Development

I have tried to keep up to date with developments and training that has taken place this year for ward councillors, in order to help me do more for the community and carry out my duties.