Monday, 3 August 2015

Annual Report 2014-2015: Cllr Naheed Mather

Once again, it’s been an honour and a privilege to serve the residents of Dalton. This report offers a flavour of the work I have undertaken over the last 12 months.

Council Meetings Attended:
I have attended full Council and Labour Group meetings
Chaired Huddersfield District Committee
Member of Corporate Governance and Audit Committee
Member of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee 
Member of Scrutiny Resources Panel.  
Member of Policy Committee

Participation on Outside Bodies:
Member of the advisory group for Local Government Pension Fund
Member of Locala Members Council
Member of District Consultation Sub Committee
Non-Executive Director of Huddersfield Town Partnership 
Councillor of Calderdale and Huddersfield Trust Membership Council

Ward Work and Achievements:

I have attended monthly ward meetings with officers and community groups; taken part in community events and forged new partnerships, including Syngenta and Huddersfield Town Partnership.

As a team of three councillors, we have worked hard to ensure that the residents of Dalton are aware of the full extent of the government cuts and their impact on council services and hence our neighbourhoods.  In anticipation of the cuts, the ward councillors have been proactive in supporting and building the capacity of community groups interested in taking over buildings and running services. 

I have dealt with residents’ case work, the majority of which is generated by us going out and about with a team of volunteers in the ward on Saturdays throughout the year. And this has included issues to do with housing, schools, libraries, parks and open spaces, dog fowling, neighbourhood disputes, potholes, and leisure activities for both old and young people.

I have regularly attended majority our Tenants and Residents Association meetings, Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing meetings, Kilner Bank Improvement meetings, Yetton meetings, including their monthly pop up café at Kirkheaton Community Centre, Rawthorpe Community Centre meetings, take up of services at the DRAM centre together with meetings at Library and Information Centre. 

As mentioned above, regular mobile surgeries are held every Saturday in some part of the ward, including visiting residents in their homes, on site, etc.

Training Attended:
I have attended all development sessions and service briefings during the year, especially presentations on Child Sexual Exploitation and Safeguarding, School Transport Appeal Training, Use of Planning Conditions, the New Council and the total transformation of services going forward.