Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Annual Report 2013-2014: Cllr Hilary Richards

Thank you for all the support the residents of the whole of Golcar ward have given me over the last year. 

This year has been both busy and sad. Busy in providing support to you and keeping my promise to reply to people who contact me, even if you do not like the honest answer I have to communicate. However I do find people would rather have an honest answer than none at all.

It has also been a sad year as my colleague, Paul Salveson, realised his workload was too heavy for him to manage, resigning in September 2013. It had been really supportive to have a local colleague to exchange ideas with and gain support from.

My largest sadness this year has been that I failed to gain enough support from my fellow ward councillors for a feasibility study to be commissioned to see if a second bridge in Milnsbridge is the best solution to our traffic flow problems. I have long argued that I do not know if a second bridge would make any difference to Milnsbridge or if a second bridge would be best sited in Milnsbridge. However, without money for a feasibility study we will not find out what is best for the area. Although enough money to commission such a study will not be readily available in the foreseeable future, I will continue to try to find the finance needed to answer these questions.

Along with many other actions, during this year however I have:

Supported the installation of benches at Townend in Golcar.
Campaigned and got Speed InDicators installed at sites throughout the ward over the next two years.
Supported, whenever asked, the Milnsbridge Business Association
Championed the installation of a multi-sport facility in Cowlersley which is now in use
Moved forward alterations to parking for shoppers in Milnsbridge, championing increased in three hour parking as all ladies know, 45 minutes is too short to have you to have your hair done.

I have participated in Council Meetings as well as the following

Corporate and Governance Committee (Chair)
Cone alley Area Committee
The Licensing and Regulatory Panel
School Transport Appeals Committee
Colne Valley Area Forum of Kirklees Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations and various Golcar Ward Tenants and Residents Association meetings
I also attend Labour Group meetings and attend updating training annually

Participation on Outside Bodies 
I am an active member of these Outside Bodies:

C & K Careers Ltd
Golcar Ward Community First
Kirklees School of Music
West Yorkshire Pension Fund Advisory Group
West Yorkshire Combined Authority Corporate and Governance Committee (Chair)

I am also involved in:
Colne Valley Museum
Golcar Together
Golcar Lily Day
MEG (Milnsbridge Enhancement Group)
School governor St John's School in Golcar and Crow Lane School, Milnsbridge

I not hold regular surgeries as throughout the whole of the time I did hold them, I had only one person come to see me. However I regularly attend coffee mornings and I am able to come and see you when asked. 

I can be contacted directly

Telephone: 01484 652922
Twitter: @Hilary_Richards
Facebook: Cllr Hilary Richards