Tuesday 21 June 2016

Cllr Paul Kane: Annual Report 2015-2016


I commenced this Municipal year having been honoured by becoming the Mayor of Kirklees, I was extremely proud for my family, my friends and Dewsbury the place, I was born and lived for 58 years. I want to thank my Colleagues for this opportunity to represent the Council as the First Citizen.
We have met many people and volunteers through this last 2 years , it has been a joy to be involved in the great work that they do to support the diverse communities in Kirklees. I want to thank them on behalf of the Council and the people of Kirklees, for all the work they do, in the areas where we live and the communities we serve.

It is usual to reflect on the twelve months that we have served but given that we did so much last year as Deputy Mayor I feel, we have served enough time,     to truly enforce the status of Mayor, we have seen so much, done so much    and met so many lovely people, that I can comment on 2 years of utter wonderfulness.

I hope the profile of the Mayor has been raised with the assistance of the people we have met and who, invited us to their events, they should be proud of themselves.

When we went into schools, we iterate the fact that we live in such a large geographical area,   in the most wonderful part of a wonderful country and live among some lovely people; this is something I truly believe.

We have done so many things and met so many characters, in this time; it has been an absolute pleasure. Someone said to me before I started that “you will never be the same person” this is quite true.
The honour of representing the council and the esteem shown to us will live with us for the rest of our lives.

Participation at Full Council and Committees:
Although Deputy Mayor last year I don’t think anything prepares you for being in charge of the full council, we had some very emotional debates on various issues and in most parts other Councillors were well behaved, it does still take a strong character to keep colleagues in order.

Due to the amount of events we carried out as Mayor I found many of these conflicted with some committees, I would like to thank my ward colleagues and other members for their understanding. That being said I did still mange to attend a large amount of meetings and have dealt with many ward and area issues.
I continue to attend many Tenants and residents groups, listening to local issues, anti-social behaviour problems waste and rubbish management and investment needs. This I feel is extremely important.

As a member of Dewsbury District Committee I have been successful in gaining financial support for many groups in my Ward and seeing some much needed inward investment.
I supported many local individuals and groups through the fantastic “its up to you” funding which secures the existence of many groups with a small amount of money.

Participation on Outside Bodies:
I continue to be a member of Dewsbury Endowed Trust, Greenwood Homes Trust.

Ward Work:
I have dealt with many individual cases in my role as Councillor but can say that it has been a very hard year as it was my Election year too.

I have managed to secure much needed investment for highways improvements  across the whole ward this year.
Achievements during the year:

I have to say that the biggest achievement is to be re-elected as Councillor for Dewsbury East this year, we all worked very hard to secure this victory, starting work on the election straight after Christmas.
I want to take this opportunity to thank my team and the people of Dewsbury East

Members Surgeries:
We continue to hold surgeries at Dewsbury Town Hall the first Wednesday in the month, street surgeries are also carried out.

We also ensure the residents of Dewsbury East are informed of many major changes within the Council to ensure they are aware of Government savings and cuts.
We provide correspondence to ward members on various issues, consultation, investment, service changes, throughout the year

We also attend many action and pressure group committees.

I have to admit that I have done very little training due to other commitments this year but will do so this year.