Last week I was approached by a constituent with an acute housing problem. The young family, a working family, were facing a crisis, already in unsuitable overcrowded accommodation they had received a further blow with a serious medical crisis (I don't want to go into detail for fear of identifying the family) meant that their accommodation need was greater still.
I will do what I can for them, but had to point out that the type of accommodation that they desperately needed was in the class that George Osbourn has told us we have to sell, to give him the money to bribe people in Housing association houses with un means tested hand outs.
We have been told that if no one in our area is wanting to buy their Housing Association House, we still have to sell our houses and give him the money to allow him to give to people in the South, where ex-council houses are being rented out privately at 6 or 7 times higher rent than the council charged.
If anyone still believes this government is not constitutionally corrupt they are not looking from the same place as I am.