Monday, 15 June 2015

Annual Report 2014/2015: Cllr Erin Hill

I have thoroughly enjoyed my first year as a councillor and would particularly like to thank both of my ward colleagues, Molly Walton and Mohammad Sarwar, for their help and support. In 2014/15 I was on the following council committees & outside bodies:

- Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel
- Educational Attainment Safeguarding sub-panel
- Well-being and Communities Scrutiny Panel
- Development and Environment Scrutiny Panel (until Aug 2014)
- West Yorkshire Joint Services Committee
- Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee
- Licensing & Safety Committee (Chair from March 2015)
- Substitutes Panel (in which capacity I attended Huddersfield & Heavy Woollen Planning Committees and the Health and Wellbeing Board)
- Huddersfield District Committee
- West Yorkshire Joint Services

and attended/supported the following ward groups and meetings:

- Walpole & Balmoral TRA
- Crosland Moor Children’s Centre ADWEL group (Chair)
- Friends of Beaumont Park
- Netherton Moor Luncheon Club
- Crosland Moor Community Hub (currently developing)
- Crosland Moor & Netherton Neighbourhood Management Group (Chair)

So it has been a very busy year! I have gained valuable experience in all the above areas and am really pleased to have served on a wide variety of Scrutiny committees and to have attended two Scrutiny call-ins, one of which I chaired. Scrutiny in the council is changing to try and make it more effective so I look forward to helping develop that further this year. 

Another highlight was the chance to chair the Licensing & Safety Committee. Although I only held this position for a few months, having taken over from a colleague who stepped down in March, I hope that I managed to make some steps forward for Licensing which has been under particular scrutiny since events in Rotherham. 

Child Sexual Exploitation continues to be a pressing issue for all councils but there is agreement from all parties to change the way we work and become more vigilant. There are still improvements to be made in Kirklees but councillors of all parties and officers share the commitment to tackling this important issue. 

Like most councillors, I deal with a wide variety of casework every day. This can range from bus services to potholes, from planning advice to domestic violence - no two days are the same! We all try and help residents as best we can, and I will always be honest with people if I can’t help - so please do get in touch with any queries or concerns.

Being a councillor in 2015 is not easy because everything we do, or try to do, is overshadowed by the worst cuts local government has ever seen - imposed on us by successive national governments.

I have serious concerns for the future of local government and for the innumerable people in Kirklees who will continue to suffer, whether as victims of the Bedroom Tax or as residents who no longer have a decent road to drive on. It deeply saddens me that in Kirklees in 2015, inequality is growing and poverty is on the increase.

Labour in Kirklees have done our best to safeguard residents from these cuts, which has meant some very difficult decisions. But we can only do so much, and with more cuts on the horizon, things will have to change. Our priority remains caring for vulnerable people, such as the elderly and looked-after children - as a council, but also as human beings, we have a duty to care for those who need it most.

My work for the next year will continue to include my ward work and casework, but I have also been given the portfolio for Family Support and Child Protection on Cabinet - which will be challenging, but hopefully enjoyable!

Any residents are always more than welcome to get in touch with me, whatever issues they might face.

I am happy to speak to residents over the phone, in person or by email - I can be contacted on 07770884747 or