Tuesday, 19 May 2015



The annual meeting of the council determines who will be the leader for the next four years. The elections this year left us one seat short of a majority. There are 69 seats on the council, how it stands at the moment is 34 Labour, 18 Conservatives, 10 Lib/Dems, 4 Greens and 3 Valley Independents.

So if everyone turns up we can loose the vote if all other parties vote together. In York the Conservatives and Lib/Dems have formed a co-alition to keep Labour, the largest party out of office, Calderdale who last year saw the same alliance does not have its annual meeting until next year.

It seems that the Lib/Dems, despite loosing seats in parliament to the conservatives, no doubt as punishment for their alliance, continue to make pacts at a local level. One hopes, for their sake, they have a long spoon.