Thursday, 11 September 2014

Annual Report 2013-2014: Cllr Peter O'Neill

This report aims to provide an overview of my work and achievements from May 2013 to May 2014.

This is my seventh year as an Elected Member of Kirklees Council and more than ever I consider it a great honour and privilege to serve, represent and advocate on behalf of my constituents in the Batley West ward; this is my over-riding objective. Helping constituents to achieve successful outcomes is what makes my role worthwhile. It is always both rewarding and humbling to receive good feedback from those whom I am privileged to serve.  I have received much of this from my constituents but it was particularly pleasing to receive this message from my director:

Following the recent changes to Cabinet Portfolio Holder responsibilities I was asked by Trade Union colleagues at a subsequent Directorate Negotiating Forum to pass on their thanks to you for your past contribution to the Children’s Service as their Portfolio Holder.

I would also like to add my personal thanks for your support. You have always approached the role in a considered & conscientious manner, which I appreciate greatly.

This is my third year as Joint Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and as well as working to support the council’s priorities, I supported the priorities in the Children & Young People’s Plan:

  • Mental, emotional health and well-being
  • Looked after children and care leavers – improving life chances 
  • Young people – improving life chances by being ready for and have opportunities for work 
  • Disabled children – improving life chances 
  • Child Sexual Exploitation – improving life chances of those at risk

I am now Cabinet Lead for Communities and Leisure and, along with my colleagues, face the challenge of dealing with government cuts of £152m from 2010 to 2017, while constructing a medium term financial plan for the council, which balances the books but also gives as much support as is possible, to the most vulnerable members of society in Kirklees. As the “new council” evolves we will have to re-define the role of councillor to focus on community leadership and advocacy and championing the interests of the most deprived constituents.  

Council Meetings Attended:

I have attended and participated in all meetings of:  

  • Kirklees Full Council,  
  • Kirklees Cabinet (except when on leave),  
  • Batley, Birstall, Birkenshaw & East Bierley Area Committee (except one when I had another engagement.) 
  • Also the various other committee meetings.

Participation on Outside Bodies:

  • Kirklees Children's Trust and Trust Executive
  • Kirklees Learning Board
  • Schools' Forum (as observer)
  • X-Phase Head Teachers' Group (as observer)
  • Local Authority School Governors Briefings (Joint-Chair)
  • Schools' Organisation and Advisory Group (Chair)
  • Children in Care Council
  • Yorkshire and Humber Children's Services Lead Members' Network
  • Stronger Families Partnership Board (Chair)
  • Batley Children Centres’ Early Intervention Advisory Board (EIAB) (Chair)
  • Kirklees Fairtrade Forum

Ward Work and Achievements:
I receive casework from surgeries, but the great majority is by personal contact:
  • Residents’ issues vary and include: issues regarding housing, benefits, health, school admissions, road safety, parking, highways and the environment. I, along with my colleagues, have achieved successful outcomes for many issues.
  • We have supported community groups including Staincliffe “Plant it, Grow it Eat it” project become established and develop into Manor Gardens growing initiative. Also Batley Cricket Club which as well as developing cricket, acts as a community hub which provides various opportunities for children in Batley.
  • I also supported Wilton Girl Guides to start a project to extend their activities to include the Asian community and this is progressing well. They received a grant from the EIAB, along with other community groups who work to support children and families
I had several opportunities to celebrate with them, the achievements of young people, including Duke of Edinburgh Awards celebration at St James’ Palace, where I had the privilege to meet the Duke of Edinburgh.
National Citizen Service celebration and Educational Achievements of looked after children.
Supported Kirklees Youth Council and attended several of their events:
  • I attended the Yorkshire Education Conference.
  • Attended National Children’s and Adults Services Conference.
  • Beyond the sound-bite discussions on “the ethics of the food parcel”.
  • I am Chair of the Stronger Families Strategic Partnership Board whose aim is to reduce the cost on the public purse by giving support to 1115 families across Kirklees, to take control of their lives, become self-reliant, take up employment opportunities and have a fulfilling role in society. We have now identified the required number of families and are progressing well towards the conclusion of phase 1 of the programme. The legacy of the programme hopefully, will be a new, collaborative, highly effective way of working, which removes duplication and achieves positive results for the whole family. This would provide a model of effective working, which can be embedded across the council.
  • Attended several It’s Time to Talk sessions which were useful for engaging with citizens to better understand their needs.
  • Holocaust Memorial Day
  • Batley Torchlight Procession, an important event for the Catholic community in Batley
  • YOT Summer Arts College Awards Presentation and Celebration Event
  • The World Book Day Quiz, which I opened.
  • Battle of Britain Memorial Service and Remembrance Day service.
  • Royal Voluntary Society Open Day
  • Milen Care AGM
  • Support for Foster Carers
  • Attended PKWA Health Initiatives Launch and fully support the project.
  • Kirklees School Governor Conference
  • My proudest achievement this year was the carrying of my council motion in January, which highlighted destitution amongst refused asylum seekers and called on the government to stop the use of destitution as a policy tool with which to force refused asylum seekers to leave the UK. It was the most passionate council debate I have seen!
  • Following up, I participated in Regional Asylum Activism Project’s training event, Local Advocacy Against Destitution, for British Red Cross. I continue to support destitute asylum seekers as much as I can.

Training Attended:
National Children & Adult Services Conference 2013
The Role of Councillors in Safeguarding
Cost of Living Seminar
Local Government Day
Several Labour Group and Cabinet seminars in order to develop policy ideas
Syria Conference( to highlight safe and secure fundraising activities and risks linked to humanitarian convoys).