Friday, 12 September 2014

Annual Report 2013-2014: Cllr Eric Firth

Once again I have pleasure in submitting my annual report.

As I have said previously I do not, nor will I bore you senseless with a timetable list of meetings I have attended.

But this will I hope, give you a flavour of what I do.

I have not missed a council meeting this year and in fact I have missed I think only one in the years I have been a councillor, and on that occasion it was for an official meeting.

I have chaired the Neighbourhood Management Group this year, sat on the Highways and Planning Committee and have substituted at both the Heavy Woollen and the Huddersfield planning committees.

I am still a member of the WYPF Investment group, a place I have held for any years.  Last year I was Deputy Chair of the I T A and Chair of the L T P, but since the formation of the Combined Authority, there have been  many changes and as there are more to come I will leave it there.

I am also a board member of KCA, a housing charity and a trustee of One Community, a charity relatively new to Kirklees.

I am also trustee of the Chickenley CO-OP Trust and was up until quite recently a governor at Chickenley Community School.

I and my colleagues attend meetings of the Tenants and Residents groups throughout the ward and hold monthly surgeries in the Dewsbury Town Hall; although they are poorly attended as we are contactable by other means nowadays . Our ward work is constant and unremitting although that's not a complaint, because we are here to help, but in these days of austerity and government cuts it is a challenge sometimes.