It has been a busy year
2013/2014 representing the local community over the past 12 months. There have been
many issues in my ward that I have had to deal with, around Ravensthorpe, Scout
Hill, Dewsbury Moor, Westborough and West Town.
It has been a very challenging year, and I have gained a lot of experience by meeting different communities for the past 8 years.
I would like to thank staff in the Labour Group Office and Kirklees Council for their continued support in helping me address and deal with my constituent's issues.
Participation at Council Meeting Committees
Full Council meetings
Labour Group Meetings
Dewsbury Area Committee meetings
Chair of Licensing Committee meetings
Participation on Outside Bodies
Ravensthorpe Action Group
Scout Hill Action Group
Dewsbury moor TRA
West Town TRA
Local Mosques and Churches
Ward Work
It has been a very challenging year, and I have gained a lot of experience by meeting different communities for the past 8 years.
I would like to thank staff in the Labour Group Office and Kirklees Council for their continued support in helping me address and deal with my constituent's issues.
Participation at Council Meeting Committees
Full Council meetings
Labour Group Meetings
Dewsbury Area Committee meetings
Chair of Licensing Committee meetings
Participation on Outside Bodies
Ravensthorpe Action Group
Scout Hill Action Group
Dewsbury moor TRA
West Town TRA
Local Mosques and Churches
Ward Work
North Road zebra crossing
Temple Road resurfacing
Calder Road resurfacing
Improvement in lighting Dewsbury West
Resurfacing Labernum Road (Dewsbury moor)
Christmas Tree in Westborough
Repaint the bridge on Thornhill Road
Renew the footpath on Olster Street (West Town)
Working very closely with the planning team
Working very closely with the police to keep the community safe
Working with young people in different sports
Temple Road resurfacing
Calder Road resurfacing
Improvement in lighting Dewsbury West
Resurfacing Labernum Road (Dewsbury moor)
Christmas Tree in Westborough
Repaint the bridge on Thornhill Road
Renew the footpath on Olster Street (West Town)
Working very closely with the planning team
Working very closely with the police to keep the community safe
Members Surgeries Door to door surgeries around the ward, throughout the year. Training and Development Licensing Planning |