Thursday 4 March 2021

Jackie Ramsay candidate for Dewsbury South tells us about the work she has been doing in the ward


I am the coordinator of the Dewsbury South Community Support Group (DSCs), a multicultural group that was set up in response to the Pandemic.  

Initially we did shopping & collecting of prescriptions, but we soon realised that there were people in our ward that were really struggling for the very basics.

We now distribute food gifts ~ 30/40 twice a week i.e. 60-80.  These are bags of food with some products potentially near their shelf life.  They go to any household that wants one the street we choose for that day.  We collect the food from supermarkets, so not only does it help families get some extra food it prevents food waste.

We also started a food bank that provides food parcels to households.  These contain food that we purchase & get donated that will provide for the household for ~7 days.