Monday 9 January 2017

Cllr Steve Hall: Annual Report 2015-2016

So May 2015 I am starting off my 16th year in total of been an elected member on Kirklees Council and my second year on cabinet. I have the same portfolio  as last year working with a good team of officers and some good hard working members.

On the strategic planning committee we had another very good year getting some big applications done which I am sure will enhance Kirklees.

Highways was and still is a problem due to the lack of money from the government . We have borrowed £2.85 million to buy new plant such as 11 new gritters at just over £100.000 each a white line painting vehicle at £116.000 and six new bin wagons at just over £150.000 each.

Potholes we have 4 pieces if kit coming in to the council for  a period of weeks to try them out in different terrains and for our workforce to try out and give much needed feedback. We are still one of the most cost effective councils in the country filling just short of 3 holes to other councils 1.

Taxis is still one of our top priorities and we are leading the way at city region.

Ward work with Dave and Viv was much the same we still have a continual battle with travellers breaking into council land that has had locks and gates fitted already. More money has been put to one side for other pockets of land to be made secure but there is only so much that can be done against angle grinders and small mechanical diggers.

We have the same old problems regarding paths that are overgrown and the one that really annoys me is fly tipping . The mindless thick stupid people who throw takeaway cartons on the roads and paths and the lazy dim wits who put the crap under their car and then drive of waiting for the rubbish fairies from the council to come along at night and clean it up.

As far as the council in general goes it is getting worse regarding cuts. We are going to have to make cuts to services that no one thought we would have to. Our citizens are living longer we are having people identified through the early intervention and prevention strategies that all councillors and officers are being trained in. It is now this year the government have realised that social care for local authorities is costing more than we have to spend .The fact that we can put council tax up an extra 2% is still not enough and it’s the public that is having to pay for the Tories getting it wrong.

The council is getting nearer to having its local plan put in place . At the moment we have developers prancing about like Rocky Balboa trying to take the council and its citizens for complete muppets by putting in applications to build on urban green space so any appeals that are taken out against planning authorities is very important.

I have attended the full council meetings and cabinet meetings . District committee meetings NMG meetings when they have not clashed. Officer briefings with, the CEO and managers.

Labour group meeting and constituency meetings.

Training meetings for Planning and Licensing.

That is a roundup of what I have been doing over the last 12 months while we still have a council.