Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Taxi Licence Fears


When I expressed concerns over the governments proposals to allow Taxis to cross boundaries, the Huddersfield Examiner searched out a London Taxi operator to attack my concerns. We have always been keen to maintain high standards and inspect the vehicles to ensure they are safe. We will not be allowed to inspect these wandering Taxis.

One must consider the following facts and ask what is going on.

Bradford has a population of 500,000 and has 222 licenced taxis.

Kirklees has a population of 431,000 and has 216 licenced taxis.

Rossendale has a population of 68,000 but has 1558 licenced taxis, many  operating in Leeds, Bradford and Kirklees.

So why are the operators going to Rossendale, surely it is not because they have higher standards?