Thursday, 24 September 2015

Lib/Dem Split over Library Review


One might have thought that has the party got smaller it might have been easier to stay together, to put up a united front, but for Kirklees Lib/Dems it seems that doesn't work.

Their response to the Library review saw a split in their ranks, whilst the councillors in the North made a plea for their Library to be exempt from any effect of the cuts (remember these are cuts made by the government  that they were part of) their leader called for a shift of resources from the North to the South. Now where have we seen that before, exactly what the government, that they put in power did nationally.

This is becoming a regular theme, another Lib/Dem at a recent meeting called for Highway spending to be biased towards the South claiming the South should have 3/4 of the spending and the North only 1/4. At an earlier meeting a North based Lib/Dem called for all the New Homes Bonus to be spent where it was generated (what the council is doing) whilst  the Lib/Dems in the South, where they don't want any houses, wanted money to be moved from the North to the South, once again demonstrating the split in their ranks.

It should be made clear though that in Lib/Dem terms by South they don't mean the Urban areas of Huddersfield, and they are not probably over interested in Denby Dale, no, South to them is restricted to a few areas who want to be considered special.