At the Strategic Planning meeting of 30 July 2015, the sensitive issue of Grimescar Valley development was on the agenda.
Naturally, passions of local people were high and the public gallery almost full. The speeches from objectors as to the potential development spoke eloquently.
Unfortunately, despite the eloquence and passion, there were no planning grounds on which the committee could uphold those public objections. With elements of regret, the committee approved the application.
However, passion can on occasion overflow and whilst the attending public and local councillors managed to maintain their dignity, Tory MP Jason McCartney couldn't quite manage to be as respectful.
Every story has two sides, so when an opposing party member speaks to accuse a Labour member of inappropriate behaviour at a committee meeting, one needs to be sure the accusation is correct. Therefore, what actually transpired should be put into context and accusers maybe ought to rethink their public behaviour.
The accusation related to how the chair addressed the public gallery, yet, when the footage is reviewed in context, there are two parts to consider.
Part one is that the chairs initial request was made to the whole of the public gallery, asking them to respectfully be mindful of those who may require the use of hearing aides or the hearing loop system, as the cheering and clapping of each speaker was excessive.
Part two was the vociferous denial of McCartney, that any such behaviour had taken place. A blatant lie like this has no place in the Council Chamber, for which that individual should be ashamed. No wonder the more agitated response this individual received from the chair.
You can make your own mind up by viewing the footage below.