After a very long consultation and gestation period the Cabinet yesterday agreed to a charge for resident parking permits. These are for areas where parking is restricted to residents of certain streets because they have been deemed to have parking problems, such as near Hospitals or Schools.
The original proposal was for an annual charge of £30 per year for every permit, what we finally arrived at was one free open permit per household, then a charge of £15 for every vehicle specific permit, to last as long as the car is owned.
Objectors to the scheme expressed their views to the Cabinet and most objected to paying as they felt the scheme was not working, that there was insufficient enforcement. A perfectly valid view, that calls for us to look at the enforcement but does not change the logic of the reason for the charges, to cover the costs of administering the scheme.
It was pointed out to the objectors that if the majority of people on a street wanted the scheme taking out there was a process to do so. One of the objectors who originally considered this option had second thoughts and realised she was really getting a bargain for the £15.